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About Me

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I am an Ordained Minister, a Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher, an Aromatherapist, a Massage Therapist, an Herbalist in training, & a Crystal Healer in training! I am also a Writer! I am one of the Neo- Celí Dé (a form of Celtic christian mysticism based on original early Christianity, & certain Celtic philosophies, perspectives, & certain Druidic elements). I am also a proud member of Clan MacKay. NO PARTIES, JUST PATRIOTISM!

These are a few of my favorite things!;

  • The Harry Potter series! both the movies and the books by J.K. Rowling!
  • Twilight book saga, and movie series by Stephanie Meyer's!

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Celtic Festival of Alban Elued (The Light upon the Water);

Alban Elued (The Light upon the Water); Circa Sept. 19th – 23rd, typically it falls on the 21st. The feast tide lasts from the 19th through the 23rd.
A.k.a.; Alban Elfed (Which means Light of the water), mean fomhair, Harvest-Home, Feast of the vine, Mabon

The autumnal equinox like its counter part in spring is a time to bring balance to energies overly influenced by chaos or scattered-ness. It is the true beginning of the dark half of the year, and therefore it is a time to stop and take inventory of the lessons you have learned throughout the year. At the start of the day the energies will tend to be a little off kilter, or as I like to say….Wonky lol. By evening however sharp focused balance comes in and can be harnessed, focused, and utilized! This balance is hard to maintain through most of the year but as we age we try with a little more ease each day if we are pure in mind, heart, effort, and intent. We tend to have better harmony and synergy with our purpose and goals as we age. Wisdom and knowledge are gifts of getting older. The Autumn is a time to gather in the harvest and a time to reap the benefits of our sewing. Our efforts have been proved to not be in vain. It is a time for seers to take time to clear their sight and enhance it if they so wish. Evolving our abilities is one of the terrific virtues of this time of the year’s cycle. Just as nature has ebbs and flows, tides and seasons, lunar and solar cycles… so to do we. This is also the feast of thanksgiving for our Brehon. A time to Honor God and all the spiritual Aids that we have been given.

  St. Michael The ArchAngel is honored at this time for his role as one of the great spiritual protectors of the faithful. According to some traditions this is also the true time of Christ’s birth into his earthly incarnation. In Celtic tradition this was a time of fruit harvesting for those whose crops were fruit. Of course the very name of this festival has connections to sacred mirror teachings and also the Hindu concept called the jeweled net of Indra. This festival season is a time of reflection. What does life and those around us, or those we have come in contact with reflect to us? What do we reflect back to life or to those we encounter? Now is a delicious time for taking personal inventory of our general attitude at this present time in our lives. This is also a brilliant time from bringing more Awen into our beings and lives!

Central to Celtic philosophy is the force known as the Awen. Literally Awen means "flowing spirit" and it is this flowing spirit that guides us through the work of our vocation or service. Because the force of the Awen is described thus, it can be seen as many different things. The force of divine poetic inspiration, which is held within the elixir of life found in the Cauldron of the Divine (The Chalice Void Womb of God). In the Celtic Christian tradition this can be seen as the force of love, light, life, and grace; The Power which manifests, sustains, and fills the essence of all life that emanates from The Spirit of God.

Most Common (Though not limited to) Traditional archetypes For Alban Elued;

Judeo-Christian Masculine Archetypes;
Jesu (Christ, Yashua), YHVH, Elohim, Michael, John the Baptist; to name a few

Ancient European Masculine Archetypes;
Lugh, Greenman, Oak and Holly King, Esus, Manannan and Lir, The sons of Lir, Stag King or Cernnunos, Maponus, King Arthur, Myrddin (Merlin); to name a few

Judeo-Christian Feminine Archetypes;
Sophia, El Shaddai, The Woman at the well, Mary of Bethany; to name a few

Ancient European Feminine Archetypes;
Cerridwen, Tam lin, and the Daughters of Lir, Branwen, Guinevere, Morgain Le Fae, Nimue (Lady of The Lake); to name a few

Central Themes;
Peace, Reflection, Harvest (Reaping and Sewing Teachings), Balance, Communion, Forgiveness, A time for misunderstandings and miscommunications to be resolved. Sacred Mirror Teachings.

Traditional Colors of Alban Elued;
Orange, Russet, Rose, Maroon, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Gold, Silver, Grey, White, teal,

Direction of Power; The West
Time of Day Power Point; Evening

Associated Symbols;
Vines, Corn, Fish, Cornucopia, Gourds, horses, sea horses, Capricorn, Leaves, Petals, Feathers, Tines, Acorns, shells, mirrors, salt and or water, bread, corn dolls, wheat dolls, Planet Venus, Stone; Emerald, Swans, The Thumb of Wisdom and Poetry, Perth Rune, Throne,

We are in the festival month of the vine-moon.

Sacred tree; aspen, letter E or Q (Muin, Eadha)

Foods, Plants, and Libations associated with Alban Elued;
Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, benzoin, marigold, milkweed, Solomon’s seal, corn and wheat, sea food, rich breads, cakes, stews, Wine, Vegetables and fruits of the vine, Wild Game, Valerian.

Traditional Spiritual Poetic Sayings;
The God of The Awen, which brings the fire to the head.
I am a Hill of Poetry

See Themes for main meditation focuses.
Additional meditations;
Appreciation for life, an attitude of gratitude

This gathering is known by many names to many people, for the Truth is reflected from many mirrors. It has been celebrated as Alban Elfed and the Fall Harvest. Our ancestors called it by names long forgotten, and our children will call it by names as yet conceived. In honor and remembrance this special Mystery Feast and memorial is held for our Spiritual Patrons. 

The Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah often falls close to this festival so you might want to look at that symbolism as well.

The Balance and stillness in motion that is achieved during this feast is often fleeting and momentary. It is still of major value whether you can maintain it or not. This feast brings a type of Mental Respite.  

The Veil between the worlds begins it’s thinning during this feast until it is almost gone at Samhein, after which it starts to thicken again traditionally. However what we are seeing in this Great Shifting is that the veil between the worlds grows thinner with each passing year. This may or may not be due to the polar shifting as a natural event that happens every so many thousand years; However in my faith tradition it is believed that at the end of days the veil will disappear, be absorbed, or be torn away altogether and Heaven, Earth, and the other realms of Spirit (Or Ether) will be Joined and United in The New Planet or Kingdom Eternal called “The New Jerusalem”!

From the rising of the sun until the time that it goes down The Name of The Lord shall be praised. To God be The Glory!

This is a great time to balance your Masculine and Feminine Energies...

This post is by no means complete information on this special festival, but rather a brief overview that will allow you to craft rituals for your personal time with Spirit during this feast. 

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