
Disclaimer; I do not own nor claim to have done most of the artworks that appear on this site, they were obtained through random internet searches and I take no credit for them unless otherwise stated; this same principle applies to all videos as well. Also this blog site contains adult oriented material that is not suitable for most children and probably not suitable for work. further this site contains some pornographic images and text. I would also like it clearly understood that I in no way make money from this blog in any way!

About Me

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I am an Ordained Minister, a Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher, an Aromatherapist, a Massage Therapist, an Herbalist in training, & a Crystal Healer in training! I am also a Writer! I am one of the Neo- Celí Dé (a form of Celtic christian mysticism based on original early Christianity, & certain Celtic philosophies, perspectives, & certain Druidic elements). I am also a proud member of Clan MacKay. NO PARTIES, JUST PATRIOTISM!

These are a few of my favorite things!;

  • The Harry Potter series! both the movies and the books by J.K. Rowling!
  • Twilight book saga, and movie series by Stephanie Meyer's!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Rant about People who think that the tornado was God's Wrath on a "God-less" Nation!

God doesn't need to punish people...we do a good 

enough job at punishing 

ourselves and each other! All Work that needed to be 

done, all things that 

needed to be accomplished, and All judgment that 

needed to be dealt out was 

done by the sanctifying work of Christ on The Cross! 

So.... No....No I say 

emphatically; to the people who said to me that the 

tornado that killed all those

 people was God's Judgment for us turning our back

on Him. This is not the old

 testament and God Doesn't need Wrath anymore!

 We are living in the New 

Testament times and We are not bound to the law of 

stone which was Fulfilled! 

We are bound to Freedom which is brought by Grace 

through Faith in Christ 

and The Law of The Spirit of Love! 

Those innocent children who died in the 

storm and all those other people were not being 

punished by God for 

ungodliness! We created this horrific series of Natural 

events when we polluted 

the earth, throwing Nature so far out of Balance. 

Natural Disasters have 

always been; Now they are just getting worse! God 

just told us that these 

things would happen, but it is We... who are the ones, 

who did it! NOW WE 


miss the mark...or the 

point / target! So let's Rise above our sins and Do 

what we were Put on this 

earth to Do...Manifest The Glory of God which is inside 

of us; In order to help 

Usher into the physical plane, the Kingdom of God 

which is already here In 

Spirit,  all around us!!!

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