Even if you have no cultural ties to the festival of Samhain now known as Halloween, if you are a christian you should celebrate this day in remembrance and joy!!!
To all of those so-called christians
out there who believe that The Eve of All Hallows, All saints day, & All
souls night should not be celebrated; remember that OCT. 31st should always be
celebrated by christians!!!
Here is why...
On OCT. 31st 1517 Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses to the door of the roman
catholic church thus beginning the reformation and rebellion that would lead to
the freedom of all christians to worship in the manner of their choice, and
under the doctrine of their choice!!! So remember that your christian freedom
began on The Eve of All Hallows!!!
To find information on a wonderful film adaptation of this story folly the link below;
Quote taken from the film mentioned above, from character Martin Luther;
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