
Disclaimer; I do not own nor claim to have done most of the artworks that appear on this site, they were obtained through random internet searches and I take no credit for them unless otherwise stated; this same principle applies to all videos as well. Also this blog site contains adult oriented material that is not suitable for most children and probably not suitable for work. further this site contains some pornographic images and text. I would also like it clearly understood that I in no way make money from this blog in any way!

About Me

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I am an Ordained Minister, a Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher, an Aromatherapist, a Massage Therapist, an Herbalist in training, & a Crystal Healer in training! I am also a Writer! I am one of the Neo- Celí Dé (a form of Celtic christian mysticism based on original early Christianity, & certain Celtic philosophies, perspectives, & certain Druidic elements). I am also a proud member of Clan MacKay. NO PARTIES, JUST PATRIOTISM!

These are a few of my favorite things!;

  • The Harry Potter series! both the movies and the books by J.K. Rowling!
  • Twilight book saga, and movie series by Stephanie Meyer's!

Friday, March 30, 2018

People who lie and cry rape when there was none disgust me!

I would like to preface this by saying, most people who cry rape…I just don’t believe the majority of them anymore. Beyond that however because of Hollywood, Ashley Judd, femi-nazi’s, and the #me too movement I just don’t care anymore. You read that right. Be cause of the me too (eternal victim) movement I don’t give a $#it anymore. In ancient times when people were raped they picked themselves up out of their dark holes and they got on with the business of living their lives. They didn’t sit in their victim-hood forever, like the planet of baby brats we have now raised. It is getting ridiculous. Hollywood not college has the real culture of rape that consists of people who cry rape falsely. If you are a real rape victim please listen to this; 1 the me too movement is not your friend, it is making people not care about you at all. & 2 You can be healed from your trauma and move on with your life despite what liberals tell you.

I do care when people cry rape however when I know for a fact it is a lie. That bothers me to the core of my being.

So imagine my surprise when a couple of years ago I had a friend who was falsely accused. How do I know he was falsely accused you ask? Well, because I was there for the entire set of events first of all. Secondly we have photographic evidence of the so called self described “victim”. Third I had personal conversations with the so called victim. Fourthly, there was a police investigation into the matter which also said that the entire incident was a load of crap; I am paraphrasing here of course because I can, and the technical jargon can be such a bore. Lastly beyond all of this there are several witnesses besides me who were also there for the entire set of events. However even if I had none of this, I would know my friend is innocent because of the content of his character, and the nature of his personality.

The accuser is a real wack job, drug using, nutcase of the highest order. His story involves things that are just too bizarre for even my strange mind to believe. First there is the fact that you can’t rape the willing, and in fact the very desperately eager. Why… he was so desperate he makes me look like the worlds most satisfied man that ever lived. I fully admit as a human being, that there have been times in my life where I have been very lonely and desperate. Never at my lowest however did I sink to the levels of becoming so pathetic, stupid, and wicked that I ever accused an innocent person of something so heinous. I would never do something like that and I know few who would personally, though Hollywood and Washington D.C. seem to be filled with wicked nut jobs that have nothing better to do than cry rape falsely, ad nauseam; out of some delusional belief that they really matter all that much, while partaking in the religion of narcissism with newly discovered heights of self worship and grandeur.

This particular nut job’s story includes admissions of willingness (so how the f*ck is it rape, despite what shows like switched at birth like to tell people?). Being drugged and utterly unconscious but still being awake enough to remember being filmed and getting gang banged and fisted by multiple people. And my personal favorite, acts of breaking the currently known laws of physics by time traveling. No, I am not kidding, when you read everything that he has ever said about his supposed rape, the only interpretation to walk away with is that he time traveled to get raped before he was supposed to have actually been raped. Does anyone else spot the insane holes in his story?

He has pictures supposedly of himself with all sorts of markings, like strangle marks on his neck where my friend supposedly chocked him to hold him down. Though why a drugged unconscious person would have to be held down is beyond my understanding!?! He was supposed to have a black eye. He was supposed to have scratch marks and so on. However the huge problem with his story is that not only do we have several witnesses to the contrary, we actually have photos that prove this is not true at all. Then he has gone on to talk about how he was drugged and then magically instantly un-drugged and after being raped attended dinner with his "rapist", before willingly going back to his supposed rapist's room so he could be re-drugged and continue to be raped.

After this supposedly happened, he was partying with us, drinking with us, going out to dinner with us, sitting right next to my friend the entire time, laughing at jokes, and whispering in his ear. On the final day of the event we were all at, he had a conversation with me, during which he openly gushed and lauded my friend. He talked about how hot he was, how awesome he was, how great he was, how he wanted to date him terribly, and how he was on the verge of falling in love with my friend.Then he contacted the police who investigated. Now first his story to them was that he got raped on Friday, then later the day changed and he said was was raped on Thursday. Which is a form of time travel unless I am getting that wrong, and would have to include being there with us on Thursday which he was not; at least he was never around anyone I was with when I was there on Thursday, which was the vast majority of the time. The police investigated and found him and his story to be lacking any credibility.

Then this same wackadoodle moron has the nerve to send me an e-mail warning me about my friend and calling him a drug using rapist. All this of course after there was already a police investigation that had cleared my friend of all charges.

Let this insane person stand as a warning against copious “casual” or random sexual encounters. You never know what type of evil nut-job is waiting to accuse you and ruin your life and the lives of your friends.

This absolute horror of a human being wasn’t satisfied with going after my friend. Oh no, he couldn’t stop there. He wanted to spread the evil and misery even more, and so went on-line and started social media pages calling my friend a rapist, and calling out my other friend and by extension me and the other witnesses, to try and ruin our lives and careers by claiming we helped cover up a rape. AS IF! I am so sure!We recently found out about this liar's social media pages about us.

Once again…this case was investigated and totally dismissed because of lack of evidence, motivation, and sanity! The cops know this individual not only has mental issues but was and or is on a number of drugs, which he talked openly about to me.

This terrible waste of space nut case, belongs in a padded cell with huge doses of lithium as far as I am concerned.

Benjamin McCarthy I call you out as an evil little liar! You are trying to ruin peoples lives and careers, their reputations, and their good names which were hard earned! Shame on you ben, shame on you! We will not stop telling the truth and speaking out against your vile lies!




Here is my sister’s response and I am so proud of her; 

To all the gay men out there, beware of a man named Benjamin McCarthy, He is a horrible stalker who lies about people saying the raped him! Stay away from him, he is mentally deranged and dangerous. He is trying to ruin peoples lives, good names, reputations, and careers; all of which were hard earned!If you date him or even sleep with him you might come home to a rabbit boiling on your stove!

He is very dangerous and psychotic!

Here is his picture: 

Here are pictures of him with part of our party after he was supposedly raped by my friend. Notice how he looks happy and personally fine and well? Ya I noticed that as well. But then, I was actually there!

 That is all for now!

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