
Disclaimer; I do not own nor claim to have done most of the artworks that appear on this site, they were obtained through random internet searches and I take no credit for them unless otherwise stated; this same principle applies to all videos as well. Also this blog site contains adult oriented material that is not suitable for most children and probably not suitable for work. further this site contains some pornographic images and text. I would also like it clearly understood that I in no way make money from this blog in any way!

About Me

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I am an Ordained Minister, a Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher, an Aromatherapist, a Massage Therapist, an Herbalist in training, & a Crystal Healer in training! I am also a Writer! I am one of the Neo- Celí Dé (a form of Celtic christian mysticism based on original early Christianity, & certain Celtic philosophies, perspectives, & certain Druidic elements). I am also a proud member of Clan MacKay. NO PARTIES, JUST PATRIOTISM!

These are a few of my favorite things!;

  • The Harry Potter series! both the movies and the books by J.K. Rowling!
  • Twilight book saga, and movie series by Stephanie Meyer's!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

God as The Great Mother; The Divine Feminine;

For those of us who believe in God as a Trinity, We understand that God is far more than we could ever truly fully comprehend. However in understanding that God is a Trinity Being, we can just begin to see glimpses into The Eternal Nature of The Divine. We have all heard of God as he Father, and God as The Son, & God as The Holy Spirit. How many people understand though that The Holy Spirit aspect of God meets all of our needs and the requirements to be called in rightness and in truth, Mother.

All of the names for The Holy Spirit are either gender neutral, or feminine. That will come as a great surprise to many, but shouldn't! Don't we understand by now that God The Creator of The Entire Universe, meets ALL of our needs? God did not just create men, He created Women. Where did their essential nature come from? It is like our own masculine nature my fellow men, part of God's make up. We are created in the image of God, with His blue-print and Spiritual D.N.A.. We all have both these gender qualities of God within us, we are all both feminine and masculine, & just like that elusive other quality of God not fully understood; that gender neutrality...we are both and neither in our very center. This is what allows us to be full vessels of potentiality and possibility.

The Feminine Nature or Essence also came from God, and out of God into women when He created them.

So this post is to educate people about this aspect of God and to Honor God our Mother, Our Everything!

The Holy Spirit;
The Mother Aspect of The Most Holy Trinity God Head. Mother God, The Divine Feminine Principle of The Creator. She has been called of old; El Shaddai, To Hagios Pneuma, Ruach HaKodesh, Sophia (The Holy Wisdom and keeper of The Gnosis or Holy Knowing), The Shekinah, & others not listed here. This is the Counselor, The Comforter, The Nurturer, The Fierce Protector, The Great Mother, The Third Person of The Trinity. She watches over us and protects us like a Mother Bear or a Lioness. She is Sweetness itself and The Origin of all Kindness. She is All Love. She is The Ever and All Present Spirit (Omni-Presence). She is Beauty itself Manifest. She is the giver of Gifts.


Prayer of Praise to The Holy Spirit;

Holy Spirit,
Giving life to all life,
Moving all creatures,
Root of all things,
Washing them clean,
Wiping out their mistakes,
Healing their wounds,
You are our true life,
Luminous, wonderful,
Awakening the heart from its ancient sleep.

Hildegarde of Bingen - 12 century


Fiery Prayer to The Holy Spirit of God;

Fire of the Spirit, Life of the lives of creatures,
Spiral of Sanctity, Bond of all natures,
Glow of charity, Light of clarity, Taste
of sweetness to sinners, Be with us and hear us.
Composer of all things, Light of all the risen,
Key of Salvation, Release from the dark prison,
Hope of all unions, Scope of chastities, Joy
in The Glory, Strong Honour, Be with us and hear us.



 "Mother is The Name for God on the lips and hearts of 

all children"! Eric Draven (Branden Lee); taken from the 

film; The Crow. 

Blessed Be To The God Most High & Holy and to Sweet 

High Sophia Our Great Mother! Blessed Be To The Most 

Holy Spirit of God, The Most Holy Trinity!!! 

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