Going back to things said to me yesterday I have to get one more thing off my chest. If you call yourself a Christian and then only choose to see the things that are wrong in the world and you never see anything beautiful....well, you are not a true christian then. I will never understand people who say they believe in God but then only spew forth vile from their mouths; saying the world is only dark and evil. These people only ever talk about darkness, hell, damnation, judgement, wrath, hate, and negativity...not to mention invoking the name of the dark one far more than they speak about God or His mighty mighty Love and Light! Consequently More often than not, these people only ever talk about the old testament, and very little about The New! There is good and light and love and beauty in the world if only we choose to see it! Light was, is, and always will be more plentiful than darkness.
If you can't wake up and look out your window and see God than there is something wrong with you! If you speak about darkness more than God and Hell more than Heaven than there is not only something wrong with you, but you are an idolater of the worst kind because you have made evil your god. People I think it is time...way past time...that we started seeing all the things that are good in the world instead of only the things that are bad. I think we need to start talking about God, His Light, Her Love, It's Beauty and Grace! I think it is time that we acknowledge God more than Evil. I think it is time we learn to be grateful for all of our gifts. I think it is time we see that Life is a gift....every moment of it no matter what; and that we act accordingly to live in that gift mentality! I think it is time we started changing our thinking and looking at the world through new eyes; heavens eyes...with a brand new perspective! I think that...Maybe it's time for a Miracle....because Miracles not only can and do happen every moment....but all of life is a Miracle!
For God looked Upon His Creation and saw that it was Good!
Fear Not then said The Lord!
I think Maybe It's Time for a Miracle!
And That Ladies and Gentleman...is my Rant for the Day!