
Disclaimer; I do not own nor claim to have done most of the artworks that appear on this site, they were obtained through random internet searches and I take no credit for them unless otherwise stated; this same principle applies to all videos as well. Also this blog site contains adult oriented material that is not suitable for most children and probably not suitable for work. further this site contains some pornographic images and text. I would also like it clearly understood that I in no way make money from this blog in any way!

About Me

My photo
I am an Ordained Minister, a Shaman, a Reiki Master Teacher, an Aromatherapist, a Massage Therapist, an Herbalist in training, & a Crystal Healer in training! I am also a Writer! I am one of the Neo- Celí Dé (a form of Celtic christian mysticism based on original early Christianity, & certain Celtic philosophies, perspectives, & certain Druidic elements). I am also a proud member of Clan MacKay. NO PARTIES, JUST PATRIOTISM!

These are a few of my favorite things!;

  • The Harry Potter series! both the movies and the books by J.K. Rowling!
  • Twilight book saga, and movie series by Stephanie Meyer's!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The O'Raven Chronicles says "HELLO AGAIN"!

So it appears that despite a badly worded E-mail from E-blogger I am still here. It would seem that despite The Content of My Blog being for Adults my blogs have been spared. I am truly grateful for this, despite the fact that I am still deeply troubled by E-blogger's new policies which are more than just puritanical censorship...I find them to be Greedy as well. I can't even fathom why in this economy that Google would want to stop anyone from earning a little money where they can; especially since Google makes so much money. It is true that E-blogger is free and we bloggers are so appreciative of that. However these new policies leave so many questions. Why does Google suddenly hate the adult entertainment industry. Some bloggers like myself like the adult ad's even if we do not have them on out pages. I personally was wanting to open a pay-pal account both for donations and for adult ad's. Now I am deprived of doing this. There is nothing I can do about this and so I will just have to go on as I always have. I am truly concerned and saddened by what these new policies mean...seeing as though I have no clue what the future holds for E-blogger or my blogs due to these Anti-American policies I just have to carry on as I said. I hope E-blogger and Google reconsider these new shameful policies.

Now I have some more Book Blog Tours coming up and also some other postings that I am working on; Spiritual Musing posts for this blog and some new shorts for my Author's blog.

I look forward to sharing these things with you, and I am so please to still be able to present my blogs for you! Thank You!!! 

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